The Arty One
As described by: Nanny.
For a long time I cringed at this. Being introduced to friends (or indeed anyone you happened across, including the waiter who just wanted to know if you ‘want tea with that?’) as the one who doesn’t quite fit societies economic plan. “I was really academic at school too” I’d protest (in my head of course, people-pleaser rule number one) whilst slipping on the ‘yes, that’s me’ smile. The thing is she was, of course, right as many a Nan are and not only that she always exclaimed it with pride; I wish I’d felt it too.
I am indeed the arty one. I wanted to be a dancer, in a band, writing stories, taking photographs, colour coordinating beautiful clothes, travelling the world marvelling at incredible architecture, discussing art, culture, theories and ideas. A heady cocktail of creativity.
I still do.
I’ve always been told I’m over sensitive, easily distracted, slow. I’ve worn my heart on my sleeve and in recent years been too emotional.*
However, lately I’m wondering if perhaps these could be super powers? Huh? Hold onto your hats…
doing/hearing/saying/seeing through a lens of passion with a desire for fairness, equality and balance
hyper curious, open to exploration and full of ideas
thoughtful and methodical, compelled to do everything with consideration and care
having empathy and awareness of how our feelings affect us.
Being real, like, actual #authentic.
These qualities don’t fit into the corporate machine. They don’t sit with ‘the hustle’ or the alpha model. They’re not ‘ambitious’ enough (thanks to an old boss for that gem). BUT they do fit a HUMAN world. One that’s creative, inventive, compassionate, wholesome, balanced. Fair.
In 2014 I wrote down these words to myself on a random notebook page...
“Have the courage to be yourself and the curiosity to explore who that is”
And so, slowly but surely, I’m learning to embrace my uniqueness, heading off the beaten path. You’re welcome too, the more the merrier. I can hold your hand when you need it and walk alongside you.
Let’s see where it takes us 💚
*since ‘The Breakdown’ c.2012, I’ve subsequently learnt what feelings/emotions actually are through therapy = floodgates open; previously very much beyond the barricades